About us
We'll make it happen
At CYW we are responsible for the products you order from us from the moment you place your order until it’s safely delivered to you. This simple principle means that you can order from Cover Your Wall safe in the knowledge that no matter what happens, you’ll get what you order.
Value & prices
We keep our pricing honest and transparent with no hidden card charges or unexpected additions – we don’t even charge re-stocking fees on returned products. With our Price Match policy applicable to all products we stock, you can always shop with confidence that you’ll get best prices at CoverYourWall.co.uk even after you’ve checked-out.
Upfront with no cover-ups
Honesty is always the best policy, so we’ll give you the best offers and product information even it if means that the products we sell aren't right for you. We don’t hide behind the small print and do our outmost best to meet your expectations
Great every click of the way
We’d like your experience from the first visit to be great. We are always open to questions and suggestions and your comments are appreciated. Your reviews help not only us, but other customers to make informed decisions, so don’t hesitate to post your reviews about products and service.
Famously flexible service
Everyone’s different and that’s why we’ll do everything we can to work around you. Would you prefer delivery on Sunday instead of Saturday? You want to place your order today, but have it delivered only when you get back from holidays? Talk to us.